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  3. Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC)

What is the difference between the CMMC training courses offered by PECB and those offered by CMMC LTPs?

CMMC Foundations is a PECB training course, not approved by the CMMC-AB, which introduces the CMMC model and the CMMC ecosystem. A PECB CMMC Foundations credential is not a CMMC-AB credential. As such, this credential does not replace, complement, or lead towards a CMMC-AB credential. However, PECB is a Licensed Partner Publisher for CMMC and is currently developing CMMC-AB approved curriculum for Certified CMMC Professional credential and Certified CMMC Assessor CCA-1, CCA-3, and CCA-5 credentials. These training courses will be offered, once approved by CMMC-AB, similar to the training courses offered by other CMMC LTPs.